20 окт. 2015 г.

JavaScript benchmarking tools


JetStream includes benchmarks from the SunSpider 1.0.2 and Octane 2 JavaScript benchmark suites. It also includes benchmarks from the LLVM compiler open source project, compiled to JavaScript using Emscripten 1.13. It also includes a benchmark based on the Apache Harmony open source project's HashMap and a port of the CDx benchmark, hand-translated to JavaScript.

These benchmarks cover both classical performance measurements — like Martin Richards's machine and language independent benchmark (richards) and the Dhrystone synthetic computing benchmark (dry.c) — and real-world examples — like the Mozilla open source project's PDF renderer (pdfjs), the Box2D JavaScript physics engine (box2d), and the jQuery and Closure JavaScript libraries (code- first-load, code-multi-load).

Octane 2.0

Octane 2.0 is a modern benchmark that measures a JavaScript engine’s performance by running a suite of tests representative of today’s complex and demanding web applications. Octane‘s goal is to measure the performance of JavaScript code found in large, real-world web applications, running on modern mobile and desktop browsers.

Octane v1 focused on execution throughput, but in today's highly interactive applications (e.g. games, UI-rich web applications) reducing jankiness (what we call "ensuring low latency") is just as important. The V8 team wants to reduce compiler and garbage collection latency, so we included specific measures for those in Octane 2.0. In order to accomplish that we instrumented two existing tests, Mandreel and Splay, so that they now produce a latency score together with the existing speed score from Octane v1.

Octane 2.0 adds a test to measure how VMs perform on asm.js-like code. The test is taken directly from the zlib sample code from Mozilla's Emscripten test suite. To simulate complex data structure- and memory-intensive applications, we added a test derived from Microsoft's TypeScript compiler. The result measures how fast TypeScript compiles itself.