17 янв. 2014 г.

Java GC log analysis tools

  1. GCViewer
    Free open source tool to visualize data produced by the Java VM options -verbose:gc and -Xloggc:<file>. It also calculates garbage collection related performance metrics (throughput, accumulated pauses, longest pause, etc.).
    Development stopped in 2008.
  2. Fork of original GCViewer
    Supports Java 1.7. Github, 'nuff said.
  3. Garbage Cat
    Garbage Cat parses Java garbage collection logging and provides analysis to support JVM tuning and troubleshooting for OpenJDK and Sun JDK. It differs from other tools in that it goes beyond the simple math of calculating statistics such as maximum pause time and throughput. It adds context to these numbers by identifying the associated collector or collector phase, which allows for much deeper insight and analysis. This is especially relevant to collectors such as the Concurrent Mark Sweep collector that have multiple concurrent and stop-the-world phases.
    IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools for Java - Garbage Collection and Memory Visualizer (GCMV) provides analysis and views of your applications verbose gc output. GCMV displays the data in both graphical and tabulated form. It provides a clear summary and interprets the information to produce a series of tuning recommendations.
    Installed within the IBM Support Assistant Workbench.
  5. jClarity Censum
    Censum is an intelligent tool that takes log files from the complex Java™ (JVM) garbage collection sub-system and gives you meaningful answers. 14-day free trial.

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